Un Año de reconocimientos, innovación y compromiso con la transformación

Con el cartel de meta de 2023 a la vuelta de la esquina parece una magnífica ocasión para volver la vista al ejercicio que recién culminamos, hacer balance, y alzar la mirada al horizonte de desafíos, retos y oportunidades, que nos deparará el nuevo curso.
28 diciembre 2023
GFT celebrates a year of achievements, innovation, and commitment to transformation, highlighting recognitions, efforts to promote female talent in STEM, and the opening of new spaces for collaborative work. The company has also been a leader in AI projects in Spain and looks forward to continuing advancements in AI, cloud, and cybersecurity
GFT celebrates a year of achievements, innovation, and commitment to transformation, highlighting recognitions, efforts to promote female talent in STEM, and the opening of new spaces for collaborative work. The company has also been a leader in AI projects in Spain and looks forward to continuing advancements in AI, cloud, and cybersecurity
GFT Contacts Manuel Lavin
GFT Contacts Manuel Lavin
Manuel Lavin
Director Ejecutivo y CDO
GFT España
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2023 ha sido un gran año para toda la familia GFT.